I am a full-time business freelance writer, podcast host, and author. I teach people how to generate income with freelance writing, content marketing, and podcasting.
Content is an essential component of any successful business. Articles provide value and lead prospects through your funnel. Not every business owner has enough time to produce content. Individuals, small businesses, and corporations have me write content for them that increases traffic and sales.
If you want content done for you or would like if companies paid you to write content for them, we should talk.

Breakthrough Success Podcast
What does it take to become successful in business and achieve significant goals? We've explored this question in over 700 Breakthrough Success episodes. Most episodes are under 20 minutes so you get the best insights without listening to the same episode for over an hour (I like short and sweet podcast episodes). You can listen to Breakthrough Success episodes on the site or your favorite podcast player.
How I Got Started
I started my first blog at 11 and wrote about many of my hobbies and things I enjoyed. My first blog was about the Red Sox. I'm a New Yorker which limited my ability to interact with other Red Sox fans. The blog solved that problem, but more importantly, it introduced me to the world of blogging. I wrote about more of my hobbies and applied content marketing strategies to gain momentum. After creating many blogs, I found my niche in content marketing and freelance writing.
My love for writing led to over a dozen books, including the award winning Content Marketing Secrets. The book teaches readers how to create, promote, and optimize their content for growth and revenue.
Content marketing revolves around data. I look through data and numbers endlessly to find the best ways to approach problems and discover opportunities. Whether it's increasing blog traffic or figuring out how to approach my next training cycle, I enjoy crunching the numbers.
If I'm not working, I'm often running. I have ran in several marathons and hope to run over 100 in my lifetime, including all of the Marathon Majors. My fastest time is 2:48:46, and I'm hoping to shave that time down soon. I sometimes hit over 100 miles per week leading up to a marathon.