Hurricane Sandy has caused a lot of destruction on the East Coast, and this super storm has created a higher awareness for global warming. Some people such as Al Gore believe that global warming is responsible for many of the recent hurricanes, and could be responsible for others still to come. If there were hurricanes like Sandy once a year, the amount of damage these hurricanes could cause would be an immeasurable disaster breaking all historic records. There are many people who are not aware of global warming’s impact on these super storms and some people are reluctant to believe it. Many of the people who believe global warming think that a horrible, worldwide disaster is the only way to get a nationwide attention for global warming. By the time this disaster occurred, it could already be too late. Hopefully, we fight against global warming to prevent more of these super storms from happening.
When we are trying to make money online, it is important to respond to all of our problems before it is too late. When your website loses traffic, you have to promote that website and work on it before you lose all of your visitors. When you respond too late, you lose visitors, popularity, and publicity. The work only gets harder from there because now you have to regain your visitors, popularity, and publicity. Preparation prevents that from happening.
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