Most people will say it is 0.01 which is the decimal of 1%, but 1% can be far greater than that if the whole is a really large number. When we think 1% of the most influential people, we might think a select few such as only 100 or even 1,000 people at most. LinkedIn recently sent out emails to its members congratulating them for their service. Anyone in the Top 15% of LinkedIn got the email. Emails were also addressed to the Top 10%, Top 5%, and Top 1%. Since the title of this post concerns 1%, that is the area at which I am going to examine today. To be in the Top 1% of LinkedIn’s most viewed page is an honor, and many people would only think that a couple of thousand people at most would have gotten the email since 1% isn’t that much. If only a couple of thousand of people got it (not tens of thousands), then the email would have been more special. But now we have to dig deeper to what 1% truly means from a LinkedIn standpoint. In the email, it is clear that LinkedIn has over 200 million members total which means the Top 1% is really over 2 million people. I think being on the list of the Top 100 or Top 1000 people would have been better than being on the list of the Top 2 million. We must question what 1% truly is because it can add up to something greater than we could have ever imagined.
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