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You Can’t Win By Being The Person You’re Trying To Beat

Google remains the most visited search engine among the other search engines such as Yahoo and Bing. Since Yahoo bought Tumblr and there was a Google VS Bing challenge, I decided to compare the search engines.

It seems as if there are more ads on Yahoo’s search engine results than there are links to websites that are not advertised. After a head count, there are 13 non advertised links and 10 advertised links. Some of the searches tend to show fewer ads, but there are going to be at least 5 of these ads on a page. By the way, blogger Barry Schwartz points out in this post that Yahoo didn’t wish the fathers a happy Father’s Day.

That leaves Google and Bing to fight it out. In the Google VS Bing challenges, I ended up choosing Bing as the winner. The problem with the Google VS Bing challenges is that I couldn’t tell the difference. Bing wasn’t going to tell its visitors what they picked until they made their decision. That’s why I and other people who did it couldn’t tell the difference between the two search engine.

Google has been around for 8 more years than Bing. Google and Bing both get billions of searches, but Google is getting more searches than Bing by far. Looking like the best does not mean that you are the best. Bing does look like Google, but Google remains the top search engine.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can’t try to imitate someone who is already standing out from the crowd.

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