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5 Common Twitter Questions (With Answers)

Twitter is a simple social network with a lot of benefits. However, newbies see Twitter is a complex network because they aren’t used to Twitter yet. They have different questions about how different parts of Twitter work. Here are the 5 common Twitter questions with answers provided:

  1. How do I get more followers on Twitter? There are a lot of ways to get more followers on Twitter. You need to tweet consistently and follow people who are going to follow you back. You should try to follow as many people as possible who would be a part of your target audience. These are 20 other ways to build your following.
  2. How do I talk about myself with only 160 characters? Don’t use full sentences in your bio. It is entirely okay to have a sentence fragment as your bio. In your bio, be sure to list all of the things you do.
  3. How do I start more conversations on Twitter? In order to start more conversations, you can ask questions. One question could be, “Do you like Twitter more than Facebook?” Another way to start a conversation is by seeing who mentioned you (when logged in, click the connect button on the top left of Twitter’s home page). Reply to the people who mentioned you and continue to conversation from there.
  4. How do I continue a conversation on Twitter? After you get a reply, it is very important to continue to conversation. Some conversations will be easier to continue than others. Let’s go back to the earlier example question about Twitter and Facebook. If someone says yes without saying anything else, say something like this (assuming that you prefer Twitter over Facebook), “I totally agree with you. What part about Twitter is your favorite?” Then, keep on continuing the conversation. The key to having long conversations is to respond quickly. If you respond to someone weeks later, chances are the conversation won’t continue.
  5. How do I get blog traffic from Twitter? There are many people who use Twitter to bring traffic to their blog. With a small following, you won’t be able to see an immediate impact on your blog’s traffic. As your following grows, and your followers are your target audience, you will begin to see more traffic coming to your blog posts. Another way to increase blog traffic is by sending out at least 10 tweets about your blog every day. The more times you tweet about your blog, the more traffic your blog will get.

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