We all face rejection. No matter how much you try to avoid it, avoiding rejection is an impossibility. All of the leaders of our generation and past generations faced rejection. I won’t be shocked if the leaders of future generations face their fair share of rejection as well.
Facing rejection puts you one step closer to becoming successful. The thought of facing rejection is the biggest hurdle we face towards becoming successful. Once we get through that hurdle, most of the journey is easy sailing.
The other big hurdle is how we react towards getting rejected. Some people give up upon being rejected while someone else felt like pursuing over 300 people to get the finances to create Walt Disney World.
We all have to face rejection. There is no point in hiding from a force that we cannot hide from. The best way to embrace this force is to accept that there will be moments of rejection. However, those moments of rejection bring you closer to success as long as you stick with your dreams. Getting rejected 150 times meant Walt Disney was less than 200 rejections away from the big yes that created an enterprise.
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