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We All Have Big Egos (And There’s No Denying It)

Whether you think you have a big ego or not, you have one. While some people go over the top, we all have a big ego. Who wouldn’t love to tell other people about their accomplishments? If you are not that kind of person, wouldn’t you love it when someone else told their friends about all of the cool things you do?

The truth is that we love it when that happens. Talking about ourselves triggers the same parts of the brain when we think of food and money. I did not just write this blog post to say that we all have big egos. Instead, there are benefits that we need to know about in order to use someone else’s big ego to our effect.

If you want to make a new friend, have a good date, get a new business partner, or make a strong connection, the easiest thing to do is sit back for a while and let that person talk about himself/herself. Let that person talk about all of the accomplishments, successes, and products they have. When the conversation is over, that person will feel incredible about himself/herself. Then, that person will respect you because you made that person feel great.

We all have big egos which means you and the person you talk to. By tapping into the other person’s ego, you will hear all of their successes, and they will love you for it.


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