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A New Way To Look At Having Nothing Else To Do

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Having nothing else to do sounds like a last resort. The way the phrase sounds indicates boredom. Sadly, there are too many people who view “nothing else to do” as something boring. However, what if you could view “nothing else to do” as something fun that you enjoy.

When it is dark out, I have nothing else to do other than go on my computer. Technically, I could watch TV or play games on my iPhone, but instead of doing those things, I go on my computer. At times like these, I end up having nothing else to do. That’s why I respond to some people’s tweets in a matter of seconds. I simply have nothing else to do…and that does not bother me.

I enjoy going on my computer, writing blog posts, scheduling tweets, sending out pins, and doing similar things as well. When you have nothing else to do, make sure that the thing you are doing is something that you enjoy. If you have nothing else to do, and you are doing something you believe is boring, then it is going to be a long night. If you have nothing else to do, but you are doing something you enjoy, you are going to have a lot of fun by doing what you love.

Don’t just go for the last alternative. Go for something that is fun and that you enjoy.


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