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How To Create Killer KeyNotes

KeyNote Presentation

As you become more popular in your niche, it will become increasingly important to know how to create killer KeyNotes. There are a variety of purposes for a KeyNote such as when you get a speaking opportunity or decide to turn your KeyNote into a free prize for the people who like your Facebook Page. No matter what the purpose of your KeyNote is, it is important to create a killer KeyNote that better serves the person who watches your entire KeyNote.

No matter what your KeyNote is about, you need to include pictures throughout KeyNote. Include pictures that are breathtaking, stunning, humorous, or analytical. Adding these pictures will make the text easier to read, and if you are engaging an audience in a public presentation, you will be able to grab your audience’s attention with the pictures. If you really want to grab your audience’s attention, make sure some of your pictures are a bright yellow. Out of all of the colors, humans notice yellow before any other color. That’s why a lot of the street signs are a dark yellow. They get more attention because of the color.

Another way to create a killer KeyNote is by having 1-3 motifs that appear throughout your KeyNote. Having motifs appear throughout your KeyNote will get stronger over time at keeping the person’s attention. In addition, the better your motifs are, the more value you will provide for the reader.

Providing surprising facts in your KeyNote will also get more attention. If you catch yourself ordering someone to do something, turn it into a fact instead. Instead of saying, “Make sure your picture includes your tweets,” say something like, “Tweets with pictures get 10% more engagement than tweets without pictures.” Providing this fact educates the reader and gives them a reason to tweet with pictures not just because you said so.

Finally, your KeyNote needs to be organized. If your KeyNote is organized and properly presents your ideas in a way that makes sense to the reader, then your KeyNote will be easier to read. If you jump back and forth between ideas in a random order, you will lose the attention of your readers.

Audiences enjoy the presentations with killer KeyNotes. If you are able to create a KeyNote with all of the components in this blog, you will be able to create a KeyNote that grabs everyone’s attention and provides quality at the same time. What are your thoughts on creating killer KeyNotes? Do you have any additional tips? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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