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You Have More Choices Than You Realize

There are many people who feel as if there are no alternatives and that they are restricted. These people feel as if they are forced to do something and have no choice in the manner. However, we all have more choices than we realize.

It’s your choice to be happy or not. Don’t blame the people across the street or what has happened in the past. That’s all a memory now, and if it continues to infiltrate your mind, happiness will still come unnatural.

Your job is your choice. It is possible to go from a survival job to creating a million dollar business. Mark Cuban had more survival jobs than most people, and yet he’s a billionaire. He chose to become a billionaire even though the jobs he had (carpenter and waiter among others) did not support what he chose.

How you spend your time is your choice. You can either watch TV for 32 hours every week like the average American, or you can use those 32 hours to get more work in. TV is one of the most overrated things around.

What you write about is your choice. Then again, your decision on whether you want to write or not is also a choice.

There is no one way to do something. We have options. There are several choices we have with the ways we can spend our time just like how there are several choices we have for our careers. The next time you think you are running out of choices, realize that you have more choices than you think. By realizing you have more choices, your ideas will become more creative and ultimately serve people in a more effective manner.


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