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3 Ways To Get More Blog Traffic From Twitter

If you use Twitter to get more blog traffic, it can turn into the juggernaut of your blogging strategy. Twitter accounts for 50% of this blog’s traffic, and when I saw a big increase in my Twitter traffic, I also saw a big increase in my SEO traffic. There is a connection between social media and SEO. In order to see the increase in traffic that you want to see, you need to know how to get more blog traffic from Twitter. Here are three ways to do that.

  1. Schedule tweets of your blog posts to show up consistently and frequently. One of the most common mistakes people make on Twitter is only tweeting about their blog 20% of the time. This is a method we use because we don’t want to only promote ourselves (because that would paint a “bad image”). Your followers don’t care about who wrote the content. They only care about whether the content provides value or not. In addition, it is okay to tweet once every 20 minutes. The average Twitter user only spends 20 minutes on Twitter which means most people will only see one of your tweets. Tweet often, and tweet about your blog.
  2. Pin your most popular tweets of one of your blog posts. This tweet will appear on the top of your profile. Your followers who see the tweet will quickly realize that the tweet was pinned. As they wonder why that tweet got pinned, those followers will realize that the tweet is very popular. People like popular things, so they will visit the blog post in that tweet and read the article. Here’s how you pin a tweet to the top of your Twitter feed.
  3. Interact with your followers. During a free giveaway for one of my books, I realized I was in trouble. The categories for that book were outdated (they were no longer on Amazon’s website), and the up-to-date categories that applied to my book were not available. That means I would not be able to get a lot of extra sales from Amazon’s site. Instead of focusing on getting my book’s ranking down (to make the Top 100 Bestselling Lists for certain categories which would have resulted in hundreds of extra free downloads), I relied on Twitter. I interacted with my followers, pinned the tweet about my free book, and people came by asking me about the book, telling me how they liked it, and some of these people even left reviews for my book. If you want to grow your blog traffic, interact with your Twitter followers so they have the ability to listen. Here are some ways to boost the amount of interaction you have with the audience you built from the ground up.

Your blog is your home on the web. You might as well make it a mansion on the web that everyone admires. What are your thoughts on using Twitter to grow your blog’s traffic? Do you have any additional tips on utilizing Twitter to get more blog traffic? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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