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5 Powerful Ways To Get More Likes On Facebook

Facebook Like

Although Facebook is currently the juggernaut of social media, many people find it difficult to get likes for their posts. Getting likes boosts exposure on Facebook and allows you to build a stronger presence on the web. There are some people who have optimized their Facebook presences and get millions of likes while others struggle to get 10 likes for their posts. Not all of the people and Facebook Pages that are getting millions of likes are the big guys with a lot of advertising. There are some people who now have over 1 million Facebook likes whose names wouldn’t have sounded familiar 10 years ago. In fact, some of those names may not sound familiar now. More individuals than ever are using their newly found leverage to create social media empires. One part to creating your social media empire is getting more likes on Facebook, and here are five powerful ways to do that.

  1. Tell your friends about your Facebook Page. It won’t be enough to create an empire, but every empire needs to start from somewhere. At one point, any Facebook Page you see (even the pages with millions of likes) were also struggling to get more likes on Facebook. Those pages, just like any other, started off with zero likes. Depending on how many friends you have, you may be able to get 10-100 likes for your Facebook Page. Getting these likes will show your future visitors that your Facebook Page is somewhat popular–popular enough to get another like. As you get more likes, people will realize your Facebook Page is very popular. People tend to like popular posts and pages on Facebook.
  2. Get on YouTube. You can use YouTube to promote your Facebook Page. Including a link to your Facebook Page in your YouTube video will get more traffic for that Facebook Page. If people who viewed your YouTube video enjoyed it, then these people will be very likely to click the Like button on your Facebook Page. In addition, if you are able to connect all of your social networks together, you will be able to go viral with circular viralocity.
  3. Post on Facebook every day. Fewer people tend to like an inactive Facebook Page. It is important to remember that you need to give people a reason every day to be happy about their decision (liking your page). It sounds so simple, but in a complex world, the simplest things tend to be forgotten. Posting something of value on your Facebook Page every day will make people feel good about liking your page, but in addition, the people who liked your Facebook Page will also like and share your posts. As those posts spread on Facebook, more people will like your Facebook Page.
  4. Include pictures in your Facebook posts. Facebook posts with pictures get twice as many comments as well as more likes/shares than Facebook posts without pictures. Including pictures makes the entire method of spreading on Facebook mentioned in Tip #3 much easier to pull off.
  5. Promote your Facebook Page on your blog. Promoting your Facebook Page on your blog is an easy way to get your visitors to see your presence on social media. If the visitors like your blog, then they’ll come by and like your Facebook Page. All you need to do is show your loyal visitors where to go, and they will go there.

Getting more likes on Facebook allows you to spread and boosts your chance of going viral. Going on viral on Facebook gives you the potential to go viral on all of your other social networks as well–if they are connected properly. What are your thoughts on the list? Do you have any additional tips on getting more likes on Facebook? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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