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5 Types Of Tweets You Would Want To Pin To The Top Of Your Feed

Pinning A Tweet

Twitter’s new design came with a very powerful change: the ability to pin a tweet to the top of your profile. That means if you send out an important tweet, and you want everyone to see it, that can happen without people scrolling down to find the tweet. This tweet always appears on the top and instantly grabs attention as a pinned tweet. Pinned tweets get more engagement than the average tweet because while the average tweet has a certain life to it (a few hours), the pinned tweet never loses that life because it is always on the top of your Twitter feed.

However, there is no reason for pinning a tweet just for the sake of pinning a tweet. Some tweets deserve the spot while others don’t deserve it at all. You don’t want a conversation you had with someone to be your pinned tweet, but there are certain types of tweets that you want. Here are five of them.

  1. Your most popular tweet. If one of your tweets gets five times as many retweets as your typical tweet, then it is a very popular tweet. The popularity of that tweet will fade within a few hours as more tweets get posted on your profile and fewer people see the retweeted forms of your tweet. Pinning this kind of tweet will prevent the popularity of that tweet from fading.
  2. A tweet with your giveaway. It’s great to offer an Amazon Card giveaway. It’s bad if only one person retweets the tweet and you have to give the Amazon Card to that one person. Since you are giving something away, you want more engagement on Twitter. In order to boost the amount of engagement you get from a giveaway, pin the tweet about the giveaway so everyone who goes to your profile learns about the giveaway.
  3. A tweet with your product. If you want to boost sales for one of your products, send out a tweet about that product and then pin it to the top of your feed. Everyone who sees your feed will then see your product. When you pin a product tweet, make sure the product is a low-priced product that people would buy. The less expensive your product is, the more likely one of your followers is to buy it.
  4. A tweet of your most popular blog post. Your most popular blog post is bound to get more attention if you pin it to the top of your feed. You may end up turning that blog post so popular that it generates 10% of your blog’s traffic because of the search engines.
  5. A tweet of a news story. When there is a news story that is getting attention, pinning a tweet to the top of your profile will allow you to keep your followers updated without them having to scroll down to find the update. Doing this will encourage your followers to come back and visit your profile in the event that your pinned tweet changes based on how the news story develops.

Pinning tweets is a new advantage that we need to take advantage of so we can choose the tweets that get seen by the most people. What are your thoughts on pinning tweets? Do you have any additional tips on pinning tweets to get the best results? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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