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5 Blogging Tips You Absolutely Positively Need To Know Immediately


There are many tips about growing a better presence on the web, getting more blog traffic, and growing your email list. Some of these bloggers have optimized these tips to see their blogs grow dramatically while others are learning from the experts. In the midst of common blogging tips that get mentioned time and time again, there are some blogging tips that get forgotten about.

  1. Focus on your bounce rate. A lower bounce rate indicates that more visitors are staying on your blog for a longer period of time. If you get people to stay on your blog for a longer period of time, more of those visitors will become subscribers and paying customers.
  2. Your blog’s loading speed is important. If your blog takes too long to load (which can mean more than 10 seconds), people will become impatient. All websites and blogs are able to load within a few seconds, but there is a difference between the blog that gets loaded in five seconds and the blog that gets loaded in 10 seconds.
  3. Always respond to other people’s comments on your blog. You need to interact with your readers so they have a reason to leave more comments. As your blog posts get more relevant comments, that will indicate more activity and popularity. This activity and popularity will encourage some of your visitors who have not left a comment yet to suddenly leave one.
  4. You need to create categories for your blog posts. Categories make it easier for your visitors to find blog post content based on specific topics. Instead of digging through blog post after blog post for blog posts about Twitter, you can go into the Twitter category for this blog. This allows people to easily find specific content they are looking for.
  5. Your blog must be easy to use. People will stay on your blog longer if it is easy to use. Make sure you have a powerful menu on your blog that is easy to use, and make it easy for people to find valuable blog posts.

Those are the five tips that most people forget about. What were your thoughts on the tips? Do you have any additional blogging tips that you feel many people forget about? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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