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How To Avoid Inconsistent Blogging

Blogging Inconsistently Ends Now

Blogging is more than a way to make money on the web. It is a commitment to publish your blog posts at a consistent, frequent rate so your readers know when to come back for new content. However, numerous bloggers fall off track with this concept. Different events come up, blog post ideas are more difficult to come across, blog posts are forgotten about, and at the end of the day, many bloggers do not write their blog posts.

Some bloggers have not written a blog post for several years primarily because they can’t keep up with the consistency. These bloggers may be good writers, but they write blog posts inconsistently which means their audience gradually shrinks because they see inactivity. Sometimes the audience grows, but at other times, a blog may get no visitors. Remember that people need a reason to be on your blog. Valuable blog posts and the promise that other blog posts will be added in the predictable future will encourage readers to come back.

I write three blog posts every week. Part of that is so I can write more in-depth blog posts, and part of that is how much time it saves. Even though I write longer blog posts, I save time because I have to think of fewer blog posts ideas. That allows me to focus more of my time on what I do best: write blog posts and create products. On the days I do not write blog posts, there are over 1,000 blog posts that new readers have the ability to browse through.

The concept of blogging every day is a concept that I believe the new blogger needs to adopt. This concept builds the commitment needed to be a blogger. If a new blogger decides to start slow and blog once a week, there is a greater risk of falling into inconsistency. If the blogger forgets to write one of the weekly blog posts, then that’s two weeks of not writing a blog post. Then, writing blog posts will be more challenging (you have to write every day to get really good at writing blog posts. If you do something every day, you’re better at it) because you are not writing them frequently. Two weeks may turn into one month, and at that point, consistency becomes a think of the past.

When I started writing blog posts, I was inconsistent. My first blog was about the Boston Red Sox, and I took blogging as more of a hobby than a passion. I wrote a blog post whenever I felt like it. I would write one blog post every day for a week and then write the next blog post a month later. Writing that blog taught me that although I am a passionate Red Sox fan, I was not a writer who could passionately write about the Red Sox for a long period of time.

When I chose a blog topic that I was passionate about, it was easier for me to write one blog post every day. After many twists and turns, I finally started this blog about digital marketing, one of my top passions. If you want to consistently write one blog post every day, you must choose to write about that things you have a strong passion for.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MarcGuberti” url=””]You must write about a topic you are passionate about if you want to be a consistent blogger.[/tweetthis]

When you choose to write about the things you have a strong passion for, other habits will be easier to adopt. When I started to write digital marketing related blog posts, it was easier for me to become responsible for my blog. I realized that no one else would update my blog other than myself. Therefore, I felt the full weight of that responsibility. I still feel the full weight of that responsibility, but that weight has now, with practice, become easier to lift. In fact, it doesn’t really feel like a weight. I’m on cruise control.

One of the main reasons that weight was easier to lift was because I realized I did not have to consistently write content every day in order for the content to consistently appear on my blog. In other words, I could write five blog posts in one day, schedule those blog posts, not write another blog post for the next three days, and blog posts would still get published on my blog at a consistent rate.

Some inconsistent bloggers fall into the pattern of publishing five blog posts every day and then not publishing another blog post for a few days or weeks. You can write multiple blog posts in one day, but schedule them so your blog’s consistency stays intact. If you were to publish five blog posts in one day, most of your visitors would not read all of those blog posts at once.

When you schedule your blog posts, think of it this way: the more blog posts you schedule, the more committed you are to maintaining the consistency. The blogger with blog posts scheduled for the entire month has more content on the line than the person who scheduled blog posts for two days. The more blog posts you write, and as the word count and value on your blog accumulates, you will practically become inseparable from your blog.

If you have a month’s worth of content scheduled in advance, you will feel a strong responsibility to keep that streak going. Baseball hitters like to extend their hitting streaks for as long as possible. The people who have a reputation for being successful want to maintain that reputation and grow in the process.

Having a month’s worth of content already scheduled does not put you too far ahead. It is okay to have that much content scheduled at one time. The most successful corporations have marketing strategies planned years in advance, so having your blog posts scheduled a few months in advance won’t create a big problem (unless one of your scheduled blog posts is about a news story that may get outdated. Scheduled evergreen content is the best).


In Conclusion

One of the most important factors towards a blog’s success is consistency. If you are consistently publishing your blog posts on certain days of the week at a certain time, your returning visitors will know exactly when to return to your blog to read new content. Blogging consistency all comes down to how much commitment you have towards your blog’s topic and writing about that topic.

What are your thoughts about blogging consistency? How often do you write blog posts? Please share your thoughts about blogging frequency below.

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