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Episode 25: Publishing Your First Bestselling Book With Chandler Bolt

Chandler Bolt is the CEO of Self-Publishing School and 5-time bestselling author. He believes that there’s a book inside of everyone, and Chandler teaches you how to find that book within so you can start writing. 

In this episode, Chandler reveals how you can identify your first book topic and turn it into a bestseller. He goes over keyword optimization, content creation, and the other parts of writing an epic book that sells. 

Chandler has been teaching authors how to write bestselling books for several years. He’s taught people like Lise Cartwright who I interviewed on Episode 10 of the podcast. Within six months of following Chandler’s advice, she went from unpublished author to making $3-$4K per month from her books. 

In this episode, I ask Chandler why Lise Cartwright became successful under his program and why it has a high success rate. For people interested in receiving free training from Chandler, you can start watching the free video series he set up for you.


Watch Chandler’s free video series 


Don’t put this video series or episode off for next time. Chandler’s insights have literally changed the way I view self-publishing and success in general. More importantly, Chandler’s advice has allowed me to get better results from my self-publishing efforts and expand my brand. 

Don’t think you’re too busy to write a book. Chandler published his first book as a sophomore in college. He then proceeded to drop out and make a 7-figure income by writing bestselling books and teaching people how to do the same.


Links from show: —Chandler’s post on finding profitable book ideas —Chandler’s post on how to publish a book

Published: The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author – Chandler’s Latest book. We talk about it in the interview – Transcription service

Dragon Dictation – Transcription service

Ryan Holiday’s Thought Catalog Article – An article I reference in this episode

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