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Episode 33: Exploring The Billionaire Mindset With Preston Pysh

Preston Pysh is the founder of which deeply analyzes Warren’s favorite books. Preston’s journey began when he wanted to invest some of his earnings. He had no idea how to invest, and this was total guesswork for him. So he studied Warren Buffett. 

Studying Warren allowed Preston to become successful, and now he analyzes billionaires. He shared a few insights with us about how billionaires think and what it takes to become successful.

Preston also explains the importance of curiosity. To understand the critical variable in a situation, you must ask why five times. 

“By studying someone who is the best in the world at something, even if you are only 50% as good as them, you are probably still better than 99% of the rest of the world” —Preston Pysh



The critical habits that all billionaires live by

How to maintain simplicity in a complex world

How to turn knowledge into action

The difference between billionaires and people who aren’t billionaires (other than wallets)


Key Links From the Show:

The Investor’s Podcast — Preston’s podcast. You can also Google “We Study Billionaires” to find it.

Buffetts Books — Preston’s site detailing Warren Buffet’s favorite books


Mentioned books:

The Intelligent Investor

The Wealth of Nations

Security Analysis

Smarter, Faster, Better

Life After Life

Think and Grow Rich

The Power of Habit



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