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E45: Are You Winning The Brand VS Wild Battle With Jonathan David Lewis

Jonathan David Lewis is an engaging and authoritative speaker who shares how to survive and thrive in today’s uncertain world. He is the author of several books including Brand VS Wild which will be the focus of this episode. In addition to writing books, Jonathan has also written several articles on places like Forbes, DigiDay, and Advertising Age where he explores that factors that lead to stalled growth and the principles proven to help companies navigate the ambiguities and dangers of the brand wilderness.


Quotes To Remember:

“The task in front of us as business people is…get comfortable…with an uncomfortable amount of risk in every decision.”

“Who are you going to disappoint?” (you can’t please everyone)

“Always enter the danger.”


What You’ll Learn

—How to anticipate and deal with disruption

—How to stay focused on your goals

—How to move forward in your business

—The pathway to resilience


Key Links from The Show:

Jonathan’s site

Brand VS Wild — Jonathan’s Book



Recommended Books from The Show:

Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni


The Connected Company by Dave Gray


Power Branding by Steve Mckee

The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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