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E73: How To Plan, Launch, and Develop A Successful Business With Terry Ogburn

Terry Ogburn is the renowned owner and Lead Business Coach of Ogburn’s Business Solutions. His proprietary coaching system and personal devotion to the development of others has contributed to the success of hundreds of small to large business ventures.

Quotes To Remember:

“Only about 20% of businesses that are built from the ground up survive.”

“In today’s fast moving world, we can focus for 90 days.”

“An airplane is only on course for about 8% of the time.”

“The customer is the boss.”

“How do we solve the customers’ wants, and needs first?”

“That’s how we grow, by learning through our mistakes.”

“Ego is fear based.”


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Terry’s Site
Ogburn Business Solutions


Recommended Books:

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

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