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E130: Designing Your Lifestyle With John Kim

John Kim is a published writer, speaker, life coach, and a co-founder of SHFT, an online support group which helps build your self-confidence. By combining what he learned in therapy school with life coaching, the Angry Therapist came to be. However, instead of thinking of himself as a therapist, he prefers to think of himself as a lifestyle designer.

Quotes To Remember:

“History alone is not enough to have a friendship.”

“It’s okay to have different tribes.”

“The high performance is the by-product. It’s what happens when you have authentic relationships with people who are going to push you and make you accountable.”

“If you have a growth mindset, challenge becomes education.”


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

John’s Site


Recommended Books:

The Angry Therapist by John Kim

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday


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