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E131: If You Want To Host A Webinar Soon, Listen To This Episode With Corena Bahr

Corena Bahr is a Webinar & Virtual Training Consultant who has been developing and delivering webinars and virtual training over the last 15 years for Fortune 500 companies and for several start-ups. As the original webinar presenter, trainer and technical writer for GoToWebinar and GoToTraining, she delivered over 1,000 webinars, reaching 30,000-plus customers. This inspired her to develop highly interactive learning experiences for customers and her colleagues dubbed her “the webinar guru.”


Quotes To Remember:

“Marketing is not selling. It’s building relationships.”

“We really need to look at how to create a really good content and it cannot be just about you, the speaker.”

“First, figure out your content and how you want to engage participants.”

“Start out with the ones that are in the lower-end and free.”

“Star slow. Build your skill sets.”

What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Corena’s Site









Recommended Books:

Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck


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