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E235: Developing Your Brand Story With Jeff Loehr

Jeff Loehr helps others craft their stories and expand their influence. He’s the guy behind Engage, which exists to help businesses connect with prospects more easily in order to increase sales.

Quotes To Remember:

“The brand should come in as a mentor, should come in as the support to make the customer the hero.”

“In all of your platforms, everything needs to be telling the story. It’s all elements of the story.”

“It’s critical that you know your story. The first step of our process when engaging with our clients is teaching them that story.”

“You have to very clearly define the problem you’ll solve and how you’ll solve that problem.”

“Know what the framework is for telling a really engaging story that’s going to grab your audience.”

What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:


Engage Your Market with EngageStory Workshop – September 13, 2018 | New York

EngageStory Marketing Program Guide

Dos Equis – The Most Interesting Man In The World


Recommended Books:

Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti

The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler

Putting Stories to Work by Shawn Callahan

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