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E244: Finding Your Why With David Mead

David Mead specializes is organizational culture and leadership. He is the co-author of Find Your Why, a practical guide on how to discover the Why for any individual, team or organization. He’s also a guide of the online Why Discovery Course. After years of developing content to help Simon Sinek share his ideas, David began speaking and facilitating workshops in 2012 to help shift people’s perceptions about leadership and culture.


Quotes To Remember:

“The ‘Why’ with the capital ‘W’ is a noun. It’s not a question. It’s a thing, a purpose, a cause, a belief. It is something that is bigger than yourself.”

“None of us is at our best all the time.”

“You don’t have to do any extra work to find your hows.”

“We have to be really clear on what the why for our company is.”

“The why for your company is your own personal why.”


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Start With Why

Why Discovery Course


Recommended Books:

Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Find Your Why by David Mead

Permission to Screw Up by Kristen Hadeed

Everybody Matters by Rajendra Sisodia and Robert Chapman

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