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E251: Building A Lifestyle Business You Love With Marta Magdalena

Marta Magdalena is a creative online entrepreneur, serial author, motivation expert and mindset mentor who is driven by a purpose to help people unleash their full potential and turn it into a lifestyle business they love.

Marta runs all her businesses online while enjoying location independent lifestyle and inspiring a life full of freedom, health, and abundance. Marta is very passionate about writing books for her younger self,  empowering other entrepreneurs, and growing her new brand and blog,, to help you create a meaningful business and life.


Quotes To Remember:

“Realize who you are and what you really want.”

“Taking any action is better than just thinking and contemplating too much.”

“The biggest mistake that people make, in terms of an online business or making money online, is that they try to copy someone else.”

“When you have a dream, you really must believe that it is attainable.”

“At the end of the day, actions are your ultimate affirmation.”

“Your mindset is 80% of the success.”


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Marta’s Site

Episode 6: How To Make Six Figures Writing Kindle Books With Steve Scott

The Till Boadella Show


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