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E280: Work Less, Make More, And Cut 30 Years Off Your Retirement Plan With Todd Tresidder

Todd Tresidder raised his net worth from less than zero at 23-years-old to self-made millionaire 12 years later and became financially independent at 35 through his investments. Despite his financial independence, he is still an active investor earning consistent investment returns in both up and down markets.


Quotes To Remember:

“You always start with what’s most interesting to you.”

“You start at your lowest resistance and then you explore out to the other ones.”

“You can’t leverage your way into a profitable business model. The business model has to be profitable first.”

“When you hit your own limitations on resources or you run into your own walls, that’s your immediate signal to go to leverage.”

“You got to look at what the problem is and that tells you what form of leverage you are going to use.”

“There are specific tasks that you as the owner entrepreneur must complete. Most of other stuff is leverageable.”

“Leverage is your path to freedom.”


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Todd’s Site

The Parable Of The Mexican Fisherman And Investment Banker


Recommended Books:

Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti

Podcast Domination by Marc Guberti

The Leverage Equation by Todd R. Tresidder

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield

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