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E290: Slay Self-Doubt And Develop An Abundant Mindset With Michael O’Brien

Michael O’Brien is a sales and marketing executive business coach who helps leaders slay their internal feelings of worry and doubt so they can achieve complete success for themselves and their teams. He helps other business executives and entrepreneurs realize their potential by changing the conversations they have with others and themselves. His bestselling memoir, Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows shares his journey of going from a human doer to a human being. 


Quotes To Remember:

“All of our events are neutral until we label them.”
“We are not defined by the events in our lives but we are defined by how we respond to them.”
“Work hard today to create a better tomorrow.” 
“Think about how do I want to show up my intentions for the day.”
“Move from human doer to human being.”
What You’ll Learn:
Key Links From The Show:
Michael’s Site
Moment App
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