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E307: Achieving Lasting Happiness With T.M. Hoy

T.M. Hoy is the author of Lasting Happiness. He has also written Rotting in the Bangkok Hilton (Skyhorse Publishing), and The Nature of Religion (Pan Publishing). He was born and raised in Mountain View, CA, the heart of Silicon Valley.

Quotes To Remember:
“Most people are harsh with themselves.”
“Sit down and face mortality.”
“A lot of people don’t define success.”
“I take a huge amount of joy in really simple things.”
“Life is what you make it.”
“Are you the person you want to be?”
What You’ll Learn:
  • Achieving lasting happiness
  • Staying strong during big challenges
  • What holds us back from happiness
  • Creating your lifestyle 
  • Examining your life
Key Links From The Show:
Lasting Happiness
T.M. Hoy’s Books
Content Marketing Plaza
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