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E318: Building Ideal Businesses Around Your Ideal Life With Pat Rigsby

Pat Rigsby is an author and entrepreneur who has built over 25 different businesses, including two Entrepreneur Franchise 500 award-winning franchises. He got his entrepreneurial start by opening a personal training business and health club. Today he coaches entrepreneurs to create their Ideal Business, one that allows them to earn more profits, have a greater impact, and enjoy more freedom to enjoy life. He inspires entrepreneurs through his coaching program and bestselling book The IDEAL Business Formula. 


Quotes To Remember:

“Consistently is the great hallmark of great businesses and business owners.”
“Good business all starts by solving a problem.”
“There’s only so much of you to go around.”
“I have an obligation for the people under my roof.”
“Get clear on what success looks like to you.” 

What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Episode: 

Pat’s site

Pat’s special gifts for listeners

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