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E355: Enhancing The Customer Experience With Jill Raff

Jill Raff is highly experienced CX Strategist (Customer Experience) and published author.  For over 25 years she has been delivering world-class customer service and experiences.

Now she’s developed simple habits that anyone, even overworked entrepreneurs stretched too thin between work and family, can implement to right the ship, reverse disease, lose weight and feel great. She developed her customer-first philosophy growing up in the “McDonald’s family.” as her family opened store #150 in Ocala, Florida back in 1959.


Quotes To Remember: 

“People are so busy putting out the fires.”
“Why would you make it harder for yourself?”
“People are living in the moment.” 
What You’ll Learn:
  • Enhancing the customer experience
  • How to better serve existing customers
  • Changing the customer culture
  • The E Cubed Model
  • Success habits 


Key Links From The Episode: 

Want to see how we can work together? Schedule a free strategy call here

Jill’s site

Jill’s free Customer Experience Checklist

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