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How To Repurpose Your Content For Maximum Exposure

Repurposing your content is one of the most important things you can do to get more traffic.

It’s what allows you to become a top influencer on multiple social networks and grow a massive audience.

Here are some tips for repurposing your content


Tip #1: Always Start With Video

Video is the easiest content to repurpose. You can turn your video into an audio file. You can transcribe the video and turn it into a blog post. You can pull out quotes from each video, tweet them out, and turn them into pictures.

Here’s an example of how I took one of my quotes, tweeted it, and turned it into an Instagram Picture.

It’s a lot less blurry on Instagram. I promise 😉


Tip #2: Break Down Your Bigger Content

I have a ton of long videos on YouTube with some of them over an hour long. Earlier in 2019 I did a presentation on how to Grow And Monetize Your Podcast. I then decided to upload the entire presentation to my YouTube channel.

It’s a little over 40 minutes including the Q&A that commenced at the end of the presentation. Will some people watch the entire video. Yes. In fact, some people have watched this entire video.

However, it’s a 40 minute long video. Who has the time for a 40 minute video? Most people won’t have that much time to watch a single video. That’s why I recently took a closer look at this video and created a shorter version with some of the best clips put together.

I haven’t released the video yet, but the editing for it is done.

I can go back to any of my longer videos and break them up into a series of videos. That’s something I will do for all of my future public speaking presentations. An hour long presentation has at least 7 videos inside of it.

You can do something similar for interviews too.

A while ago, I pulled out a snippet from an interview I did with Chandler Bolt and turned that snippet into its own video.

This snippet is about whether it’s worth it for an author to have their own blog and write content for the blog that could have went to their books.

While a future snippet would have have been edited in further detail instead of the static image, it shows what you can do with an interview.

I don’t invest as much time into creating snippets like these as I do with the 30-60 minute presentations I conduct. However, it is a great way for podcasters to expand their reach on YouTube with something different than what most podcasters are doing.

I see myself providing snippets like these in the future with more detailed editing.


Tip #3: Batch Your Repurposing Efforts

Earlier I created a video about how I batch 3 months of podcast episodes in under 7 days. I even wrote a blog post about it, and that content batching article did pretty well on LinkedIn.

However, you can also batch your repurposing efforts. That way, not only are you producing a ton of content, but you’re also doing a ton of marketing in the process.

What do I mean by marketing?

Well, when I last checked, the LinkedIn Article I published had 46 likes. The cool thing about LinkedIn and most other social networks is that you can see all of the people who liked your article.

Yes. I did like my own article. Don’t judge me 😉

When you write a blog post, schedule it on LinkedIn and Medium right away. If you have 12 blog posts scheduled over the next 3 months, take the extra 2-5 minutes per blog post to share that content with your other audiences.

That’s 46 likes I don’t get just by publishing that blog post on my blog. And that’s 46 people who came across my content…some for the first time.

Publishing your blog posts on places like LinkedIn and Medium boost your discoverability.

When you publish on your blog, it’s your own home on the web, but you have to push out the content yourself.

LinkedIn and Medium do some of the pushing for you. Hence the 46 likes.


Tip #4: Get Your Content To Work Together

This blog post has some of my videos in it which is by design. When I write blog posts, I always look at my YouTube videos as inspiration. The more of them I can put in the blog post, the better.

Not only is it because I want to grow my channel (subscribe here), but including videos in blog posts will also increase the time people spend on your site. This will help you rank higher on Google and turn more of your readers into subscribers.

But I also have my Instagram picture in there…and even a GIF which 99% of my blog posts don’t have (expect more GIFs in the future).

When you repurpose your content, the strategy comes into play when you get your content to work together.

In my blog posts, I emphasize YouTube. When I put blog posts like these on LinkedIn and Medium, they also drive traffic to my YouTube channel.

When people are on my YouTube channel, I’m leading them to one of my free offers outside of YouTube. When someone subscribes for that free offer, they get led to…among other places…my blog and some of my social networks.

The great thing about intentional repurposing is that you can create an infinite loop that sends people to each of your social networks and other platforms.

And for all of these platforms, my main call-to-action is something that grows my email list. Because that’s where the money is 🙂


In Conclusion

Content repurposing is a fantastic marketing strategy that makes omnipresence easier to achieve.

It’s what I use to become present on so many platforms and it’s a big growth driver.

What are your thoughts on these tips? Do you have any additional content repurposing tips? Sound off in the comments below.

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