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E385: Building Up A Successful Mindset For Weight Loss And Business Growth With Rebeckah Wilhelmina

Weight loss and business growth are two things that many people strive towards. While many strategies and tactics exist for addressing both of these goals, a strong mindset is the foundation.

In this episode, we’ll explore how to build a strong mindset and optimize your environment so it helps you achieve success in your health and career goals.

Rebeckah Wilhelmina is the founder of Healthy Curves Count. Healthy Curves Count is a supportive community designed to encourage all women to be Strong, Powerful, and Embracing of themselves unconditionally and loving themselves in the NOW. Our guest changed her mindset and was able to lose over 400 pounds.

Welcome to Breakthrough Success, where we help you grow your business through digital marketing and throw in some personal development so you can win at business and life.

I’m your host Marc Guberti, the content marketer and podcasting coach who helps you grow your audience and revenue. I also help people launch their virtual summits and have launched 7 virtual summits myself.

If you want to see how we can work together, you can set up a free strategy call with me and we’ll get down to business.

Thank you so much for joining me on Breakthrough Success. If you enjoy this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave a review and tell your friends about the podcast. It makes a big difference for the show.

Here are the key links from this episode:

Healthy Curves Count

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