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E469: Using Adversity To Your Advantage With Randy Ginsburg

Today’s guest is the author of Adversity to Advantage: How to Overcome Bullying & Find Entrepreneurial Success. He has spent his time interviewing and researching a group of highly diverse and successful entrepreneurs, all of whom were bullied in adolescence, in an effort to uncover how these entrepreneurs were able to leverage the raw emotion and lessons learned from their experiences to grow as both personally and professionally.

Adversity comes in all forms, but the way we respond to that adversity determines whether it paralyzes us or stimulates us to take the right actions that lead you to the next level.

Randy shares great insights that will help you take the adversity in your life and use it as your fuel rather than an anchor.

Here are the key links from the episode:

Randy’s site

Adversity To Advantage

Learn how to make passive income with No Content Publishing

Rachel’s YouTube channel

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