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E474: How To Read Faster And Retain What You Learn With Jonathan Levi

Consuming more knowledge gives us the potential to grow faster in any area. However, that potential only becomes realized is we retain and implement that knowledge.

While we’ve focused on implementation in past episodes and will continue that tradition, most people don’t think about the retaining part.

Retainment is essential to think about if you’re speed reading…or listening to an audiobook at 2X or 3X the regular speed. If you want to learn more and retain what you learn, this episode comes with strategies you can use to do just that…and you’ll enjoy it 🙂

Jonathan Levi is a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, and keynote speaker. At the age of 16, he started an eCommerce company that would go on to become one of Inc.’s 5,000 fastest growing companies in America before being sold in 2011. He has been one of the top-performing instructors on online learning platform Udemy, and has snowballed this success into the launch of his rapidly growing information products company, SuperHuman Enterprises. 

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