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E500: What YOU And Breakthrough Success Have Meant To Me Plus Future Plans

Wow. I can’t believe we made it to Episode 500!

I knew this time would happen eventually but knowing something will happen versus it actually happening is surreal.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to Breakthrough Success and allowing me to pursue a project I’ve come to love over the years.

I started Breakthrough Success because of two failed attempts at starting a podcast. I reached out to 5 people I knew, and if all 5 of them said no, I would take it as a sign that podcasting wasn’t meant for me.

Thank goodness some of them have said yes. That started the journey of Breakthrough Success and allowed us to meet.

This is the first episode in the new Solo Saturday series where I’ll do a solo episode each week on Breakthrough Success.

This one is unscripted and from the heart because this milestone and all of the support of the podcast have meant so much to me.

In this episode, you’ll learn about how hosting Breakthrough Success has changed me, some insights, and future plans for the show.

If you want to interact with other listeners, make sure you join us in the Facebook Group.

THANK YOU for making Breakthrough Success possible.

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