Just three days ago, your blog may have had a breakthrough day. It may have gotten 100 visitors just missing your best day which is 110 visitors. The options on the stats page limits you to any statistics that happened on your blog today, yesterday, or on its best day. There are also the weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and all time options. However, looking at the statistics for your blog that happened three or more days ago is not an option.
However, there is a way to look at your statistics for your WordPress for any day. You can look back at your blog’s traffic from 100 days ago, or any other time you desire. The answer lies in the URL.
Click on the number that appears under “Best Ever.” At the end of the URL, you will see something like this, “day=2013-11-04” (day=year-month-date). If you want to see your statistics for March 24, 2013, just change the last part of the URL to, “day=2013-03-24” and you will see your statistics from March 24, 2013.
This is a small features that will allow you to identify why your blog did well on some days and bad on other days. If you want to see your statistics for a particular day, you don’t have to worry. The answer is in the URL. If you want to see how many people visited your WordPress blog on the first day, you can change the date to the day you created your blog.
If you are a statistics freak like I am, you will love this feature.
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