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Why Everyone Needs To Dream Big

As the saying goes, “Go big or go home.” There is no longer a life of the in between. You can either be a leader of your niche or not the leader of your niche. That’s the only way there is. The in between option was taken out years ago because the need to become #1 dramatically increased with the introduction and rise of social networks and blogs.

The only way to become the best of your niche is to dream big. As you keep on dreaming big, you will give yourself a giant goal to chase after. Some goals may take weeks to complete while others may take more than a year. However, by dreaming big, you are increasing your standards. Dreaming big results in more productivity.

Dreaming small results in lower standards. An example of dreaming small would be wanting to have 1,000 followers in 2 years. You would only have to gain 1-2 followers a day in order to make that dream become a reality. However, dreaming bigger, let’s say getting 100,000 followers in that same period of time, will result in you being more productive and getting more done. Whether you reach the 100,000 milestone or not within the 2 year period, you are going to be well above the 1,000 follower milestone.

Dreaming big gives us a boost in confidence. Dreaming also allows us to plan our futures. After we dream big, all we need to do is act accordingly. By dreaming big, you will know what you want to accomplish. All you would have to do after that is accomplish the dream.


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