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7 Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate

Increase Conversion Rate

There are few bloggers who get conversions on a daily basis. While many bloggers dream of getting numerous conversions every day, the truth is that 95% of bloggers do not get traffic conversion. The main reason bloggers do not convert a lot of their visitors is because the blog is not designed properly to entice the visitor. If you want to get more traffic conversions, follow these 7 tips:

  1. Make the buttons bigger and easier to see. A giant button is going to get more visibility than a tiny button. Some people have reported that having a bigger button has doubled their conversion rates.
  2. “Download Now” buttons Work Better Than “Add To Cart” buttons. This is a proven statistic that can increase your sales. “Download Now” encourages the person to buy your product (or enter an email to get it for free) while the “Add To Cart” button is generic and does not encourage the potential buyer as well.
  3. Stop using the phrases that everyone else uses. Add To Cart is one of them. Another one is Click Here. Instead of saying, “click here to get the report,” say “Send me the report.” By starting the phrase with an action verb and using a phrase that is not too common, you will be able to boost your conversion rate.
  4. Give your product a better design. Everyone judges a book by the front cover. Although the bestselling books (usually) are filled with quality content, they also have really cool covers. The Pumpkin Plan is a quality book, but the cover of a pumpkin with the “$” sign on the leaf dwarfing city buildings is a good cover. A better design may be all you need to boost your conversion rate.
  5. Take advantage of color psychology. Colors have a big impact on conversion rate. Changing the color of your button may be all you need to do to boost your sales. I could go in detail about color psychology here, but QuickSprout provided a great infographic that explains how colors affect conversion rates. Before deciding what color to make your conversion buttons, you need to identify who your targeted customers are.
  6. Run tests. The best way to see which results will allow you to boost your conversion rate is by running tests. In order to run a test, you would need to have a control (the design you are currently using) and an experimental design (the one you think will boost your conversion rate). After a month of split testing the two designs, stick with the design that leads to the most conversions.
  7. Start with a quality free product. People are more likely to buy your products if you offer a free product. People are more likely to subscribe to your blog if your blog posts are really good. Then, that visitor knows that what you give them for free as a subscriber is going to be really good. Quality is always important in boosting your conversion rate.

Those are the 7 ways to boost your traffic conversion. Conversion is very important factor towards building a strong following and presence on the web. What do you think about the list? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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