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The 5 Things That Matter The Most On Your Social Networks

Social Media Logos

There are many components that decide whether someone will follow you or not on a social network. All of these components come to play in less than 10 seconds. That’s how long it takes for someone to decide whether someone is worth following or not. The reason people are quick with their decision is because they do not have enough time to dwell upon the decision. If it takes 5 minutes to decide whether someone is worth following, that will drain away too much productivity.

In order to save a lot of time, people look at certain components of your Twitter account. These are the 5 things that matter the most on your social networks.

  1. Your avatar. Your avatar will be the decisive factor of whether someone takes the next step (reading your bio) or not. If you have a good avatar, you will get enough attention to get the person to read your bio. If you have a bad avatar (the egg picture or something inappropriate), many people will not bother reading your bio. The best avatar for you (depending on the account) is either a picture of you or your company’s logo.
  2. Your bio. On many social networks, you have a certain number of characters to write a good bio. As a result, your bio needs to be a summarized version of what you do. By writing an effective bio, you will make someone seriously consider following you. These are some ways to write an effective bio.
  3. What you post about. After reading your bio, potential followers will look at the most recent things that you posted. If you post things that a potential follower is interested in, then that person will be very likely to click the follow button. The things you post about may discourage people from following you just because they are not a part of your target audience. When people follow you because of what you post about, you will be gaining targeted followers (which are the best kinds of followers to have).
  4. Your follow ratio. Some people will follow you just so they get a follow back. If you are following 10,000 people and have 12,000 followers, some people will follow you expecting a follow back. If you are one of those people with 100,000 followers while following 100 people, some people will follow you because you are “too cool to follow back.” Chances are you will fit better in the first category because going from unknown to finding yourself in the second category (with real followers…of course) is much harder.
  5. How much you interact with your followers. Some people use media while others use social media. Just because you are on Twitter or Facebook does not mean you are using social media. Too many people use Twitter and Facebook like media to spread their message. Although there’s nothing like face to face conversation in the real world, social media is still very useful. If you are interacting with your followers, you will encourage others to join in on conversations, ask you questions, and reply to your tweets. If you interact with your followers often, potential followers will want to be a part of that.

Those are the 5 components that go into someone’s decision of whether to follow you or not. While some people focus in on certain components, having these 5 components will allow your account to look appealing to a majority of the people who visit.

What are your thoughts on the list? Do you have any additional tips? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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