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5 Tactics To Improve Your SEO In 5 Minutes

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There are many ways to improve your blog’s SEO. While numerous SEO tactics take several months before you see an effect, there are other SEO tactics that can lead to a noticeable improvement in your blog’s traffic. The best part about these SEO tactics is that they all take a grand total of just five minutes to implement. You don’t have to spend hours, days, weeks, and months implementing SEO tactics and waiting for the results to come in. These are the five quick ways to boost your SEO and see the results come in faster at the same time!

  1. Include links to your older blog posts. Bounce rate is defined as the percentage of people who view 1 page or post on your blog without sticking around and viewing another page or post on your blog. Including links to your older blog posts in your newer ones will reduce your blog’s bounce rate and have an impact on its SEO.
  2. Use long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are just the way they sound. They are long keywords that get searched less on Google but are more specific and easier to end up on page one for. For this blog post, I could have used the hashtag “SEO,” but I did not. The problem with that keyword is that there are over 200 million articles on Google with that keyword. That’s where new articles get swallowed up by the popular articles. However, using a search term like “How to enhance your seo” has only 4.8 million articles. It is much easier to end up on page one for the long tail keywords than it is to end up on page one for short keywords. All you need to do for this one is enter your keywords carefully. If you don’t know what to enter in, go to Google and type in a short keyword. Then, before you click enter, Google will give you suggestions. Use the long tail keyword suggestions as the keywords for your blog post.
  3. Write longer blog posts. Using this tactic too often may result in less people reading your entire blog posts which is why this tactic should be used sparingly. Writing longer blog posts does matter for SEO, and it can help you rank higher on Google’s search engine. This will allow you to see a noticeable short-term increase in traffic, but the long-term increase in traffic will be more dramatic.
  4. Interact with your followers on your social networks. For most people, it will take 1-5 minutes to interact with some of their followers on their social networks. Interacting with these followers will encourage them to visit your blog. Getting more visitors on your blog will boost its SEO, but the social media interaction you get will also boost your blog’s SEO. It’s a win-win!
  5. Look at the keywords that already get people to your blog. As your blog grows, you will be able to identify more of the keywords that people use to find your blog. Write blog posts relating to the keywords that people use to find your blog. To make the process go faster and see a short-term impact, you can add these keywords to some of the blog posts you have already published. In order to see the long-term effect of these keywords, write blog posts related to these keywords.

While it takes a long time to reap the benefits of SEO, you can use these methods to boost your SEO and see an immediate short-term increase in traffic. Continuing to implement these tactics over a long period of time is what will allow you to get those long-term results. What are your thoughts on the list? Do you have any additional quick tips to implement to boost your SEO? Please share your thoughts and advice below.


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