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Only Share What Your Target Audience Cares About

target audience

I know what spurious means, I know how to make a paper airplane, and I know how to grow a big social media audience.

If you are like most people who visit this blog, you don’t care about the first two things. I know what spurious means. Big deal! Let’s not forget to mention millions of people know how to make a paper airplane.

However, if you are like most people who visit this blog, you are a targeted visitor. You want to know how to get more blog traffic, get motivated, be more productive, get more eBook sales, and/or build a social media audience. That’s what you probably care about.

I’m not writing any blog posts about an SAT word study guide or tips on creating the best paper airplane because my target audience wouldn’t care about those things. The posts that get the most engagement on this blog are the ones that directly relate to what my target audience cares about.

This is why successful blogs are specific. If you write blog posts about 10 different niches, then you are going to confuse a lot of people. Confused visitors never buy your products, and they wouldn’t even think of following you on any of your social networks or entering their email to receive an update each time you publish a new blog post.

Before you click publish (or hopefully you are clicking schedule), ask yourself if your target audience would care about what you are going to publish. If yes, then click the publish button, but if you do not think your target audience would care about what you are going to publish, then do not click on the publish button.


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