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You Only Know If You Try

Keep Calm And Give It A Try

We all have strange pet peeves. For a very long time, I did not like wearing green shirts.  I do not know why, but I just did not like wearing that color. I resented the thoughts of wearing green pants, shorts, or socks. I resented the idea so much that I never even gave it a try.

Then, I went to TJ Maxx because since I still grow, I still have the experience of sizing out of clothing. At the same time, I was starting to really take my YouTube presence seriously and wanted to buy different collared T-shirts so I would look more professional in my YouTube videos. Sure enough, TJ Maxx had low prices, and I do not remember how many collared T-shirts I ended up with, but it was somewhere in between 5-10 collared T-shirts. I’ll go with seven just to be as close to the middle as possible.

Sure enough, one of the collared T-shirts was green. The T-shirt looked nice, but I did not like the color. Since TJ Maxx’s prices are low, and there is a refund policy, it was agreed upon that the green collared T-shirt would be purchased along with the other ones, and if I did not like the collared T-shirt, I could return it.

Then, I tried on the collared T-shirt, and I enjoyed it. Now I have a collared long sleeve shirt that is also green. It is amazing to think I did not like green clothing a few months ago, but now I enjoyed wearing those green shirts.

We are quick to assume that ideas will not work and that certain things were never meant to be. However, some people reach totally different conclusions just by giving it a try instead of assuming how it would work. Just as Sam tried the green eggs and ham in Dr. Seuss’ classic book, I tried the green shirts. Now I like to wear them.


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