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E167: How To Create What You Want In Your Personal & Professional Life With Libby Moore

Libby Moore was the Chief of Staff to Oprah Winfrey for more than a decade. During that time, she was exposed to some of the greatest thought leaders of our time. She is now a Certified Life Coach, speaker, story teller, adventurer, and creative connector who loves inspiring people to reconnect to possibility in their life and career.


Quotes To Remember:

“There’s no question that your thoughts create your life.”

“What you focus on expands.”

“We keep doing these subconscious self-sabotage behavior to protect ourselves.”

“What you sent out, you get back.”

What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Libby’s Site

4×4 breathing method

Episode 16: Marketing Like A Pro With Seth Godin – Marc Guberti


Recommended Books:

Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth

5: Where Will You be Five Years from Today? by Dan Zadra and Kobi Yamada


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