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E182: The Only Two Things You Need To Know To Achieve Email Marketing Success With Kelvin Dorsey

Kelvin Dorsey teaches email marketing through his books such as 81 Days To Becoming An Online Marketing Sales Machine, The Little Blue Book Of Email Marketing Wisdom, and more. His content is designed to help people sell a ton of their products and services.


Quotes To Remember:

“Just grow your email list and have great copy.”

“You either gonna grow your own audience or you’re gonna tap into somebody else’s.”

“To be able to do it all, that’s rare.”

“At the start, you don’t have a choice. You have to do it all yourself.”

“Starting a business is the hardest thing in the world. There’s no easy way.”

“You got to write interesting content.”

“You’ve got to be concrete in communication.”
“People remember stories. Go and tell more stories.”


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Kelvin’s Site


Recommended Books:

Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti

81 Days To Becoming An Online Marketing Sales Machine by Kelvin Dorsey

The Little Blue Book of Email Marketing Wisdom by Kelvin Dorsey

The Secret of Selling Anything by Harry Browne

Hypnotic Writing by Joe Vitale

Action! By Robert Ringer

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