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E289: Accelerate Your Outsourcing With Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore is a serial entrepreneur who has experienced the fullest highs and lows of the entrepreneurial roller coaster. He has built multimillion dollar property portfolios, has bootstrapped a $20 million dollar business, and has seen it all come crumbling down. He is the founder of Outsource Accelerator which is the Alibaba of outsourcing as it provides the gateway for businesses to connect with outsourcing suppliers.


Quotes To Remember:

Bill Gates isn’t sitting there with Microsoft doing everything by himself. He’s probably got a couple of hundred thousand employees now.

You are limited if you are just doing the business yourself

The only limitation is how disciplined you are

You either win or you learn

You really learn in the tough times

You can always try harder. You can always be more successful.

You’ve gotta to keep your eye on the goal but don’t beat yourself up too much.


What You’ll Learn:


Key Links From The Show:

Outsource Accelerator

Derek’s email:


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