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How To Launch, Grow, And Monetize Your Podcast

Podcasting is my favorite medium for growing a business.

You get to interview people, build relationships, and provide more value to your audience.

But podcasting does take work, and it can be confusing at times.

How do I launch a podcast? How do I get more listeners? How do I make money from all of this?

Those are the three most common questions people have about podcasting.

I’ve created a bunch of videos that address all of these areas.

If you’re looking to launch a podcast but want to know the tech, you might like this video…

In that video, I talk about literally everything you need to know. Here’s a small list of what I cover…

At the 24 minute mark, I go into the Libsyn dashboard and show you how to create a podcast and get it on the big players (iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher).

Note: Use the coupon code BREAKTHROUGH to get the rest of this month and the next month of Libsyn for free.

Before you launch your podcast, you should think of how you will monetize it. Since you’re just about to start, a basic idea will be good enough.

One word of advice on the monetization piece: Don’t think of sponsors right away.

Sponsors are almost impossible to get if you have a new podcast. In fact, it took me almost three years just to land my first sponsor (thanks SkillShare).

Instead, think about what you can promote during each episode. Here are some suggestions:

I went into a lot more detail on the growth and monetization piece in my presentation at Co-Working Solutions. You can watch that entire presentation below…

One of the biggest misconceptions about making money with a podcast is that you only make money with a listener buys something from you or you get a sponsor.

Many of the top podcasters make most of their money from their guests.

They interview guests who fit their client avatar and mention their products and services to their listeners. The guest gets curious and a post-interview conversation ensues.

It’s not uncommon for me to look at my virtual summits and see that some of the All-Access Pass Holders are people who were once on one of my podcasts.

Those are some ideas to help you monetize your show.

For growth, it just comes down to having a marketing plan and executing it.

For my marketing plan, I promote each new piece of content through the following assets:

I’m always looking to expand that list. And it’s common for me to go back to older episodes to give them a fresh sense of life. This is part of the repurposing strategy I use.

That way, I create less new content and get more exposure to my existing content.

Creating less content gives you more time to market your content. In the end, no one is paid based on how much content they are produced. They are paid for how much that content impacts people. You impact people by doing the marketing.

Impact people enough and present an offer…and you’ll have a profitable podcast soon enough.

If you enjoyed this content, you might also enjoy the Profitable Podcasting Summit. It’s a free virtual event where 20+ podcasting experts share how they launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts.

Get your free ticket here

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