You may be new to making money online, and you may be realizing how hard it is to make money online. Only a year ago, I was new to making money online as well. I was by no means going to naturally get hundreds or thousands of visitors a day without any work. I was lucky if I only got 10 visitors per day. I am glad I didn’t stop. My Yugioh Philosophy Blog gets close to 500 visitors a week and all of my Squidoo lenses combined get over 5,000 visitors per week. That’s almost 300,000 visitors a year that I would not be gettig if I stopped half way. I was new to building blogs and websites and had a rate that would have landed me about 1,000 visitors a year. Now I get almost 1,000 visitors a day from all of my blogs, websites, and lenses.
Don’t give up because you’ll never know how far you would have truly gone.
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