Yesterday was a very important day for my business. I had a lot of free time to look at some of my statistics and create a plan for myself. I noticed a lot of clicks from my Amazon Associate links. The source was from one of my Lego Blogs which gets about 15 visits a day. I don’t update the Lego Blog as much as this one or some of my Squidoo lenses, but the point was that it was getting clicks.
I knew that the Lego Blog was getting clicks, but I write posts for my other blog called Yugioh Philosophy which is all about Yugioh Cards. This blog gets close to 100 visitors a day, and last summer, this blog was getting over 300 visitors a day as well. I am using AutoSurfPro to give my Yugioh Philosophy Blog more traffic. This kind of traffic doesn’t bring the best quality, but it eventually led to me getting 300 quality visitors everyday.
I have created pages on my Yugioh Philosophy Blog with Amazon links. These pages give my blog a more professional feel and allows me to sell Yugioh Cards. If a Lego Blog got close to 100 clicks for Amazon links, I can only imagine how many clicks my Yugioh Philosophy Blog will get since it gets about 5 times more visitors per day than my Lego Blog.
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