Step into Targets, Walmart, or any other store. There are products left and right all on the shelves. When you open the door, you just walk right in and take a look. There are some products that don’t interest us at all, but there are a few products that interest us…a lot. These are the products that we are looking for and ultimately buy. Nearly every store has that kind of product–the one you want. With so many options, there is going to be something for you. If you can’t find something, you have the option to ask an employee to help you out.
This is how we should welcome our guests when they want to buy one of our services. When they open the door, they put in the URL to our website. If there is a pop-up asking them to buy your services or a pop-up that lists your services, you won’t get far. That’s like walking into a Targets or Walmart store, and there is an employee right at the door showing you a random product that you might not even like. It won’t take long before that door is shut. If someone is looking through your services, don’t answer their questions or even talk to them unless they ask you a question or talk to you. The cutomer is always right, and it is the customer’s decision without any kind of influence whether or not to buy your services.
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