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You Never Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

This is very true. Squidoo recently flagged some lenses which they believed didn’t have good enough content to remain on Squidoo. I got my warnings yesterday, and if I don’t fix a lens by the 23rd of April, it gets locked. That’s a bummer, but it got me thinking. Yesterday, I got news that 24 of my lenses were flagged. I took a look at the flagged lenses, questioned some, but understood why a majority of them were flagged. I have worked that number down from 24 lenses to only 8 lenses. I still have about 3 weeks to work on all of the other lenses that were given a heads up. The 16 lenses that I worked on to republish all have more content and hadn’t been updated for months. You never really know what you have until it is gone.

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