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25 Blue-Ribbon Tactics To Obliterate Writer’s Block

We all must overcome writer’s block when it comes along. These are some ways to overcome writer’s block and think of new ideas for your content at the same time.

  1. Close your eyes. If you like what you see, write about it.
  2. Look at your surroundings. Something you see right away could lead to more content.
  3. Read a book. The title of the book or a sentence in the book can lead to a blog post.
  4. Watch YouTube videos. Videos grab our attention.
  5. Go outside and get some fresh air. I run 4-8 miles every day.
  6. Look at other blogs. Those blogs could inspire your next post.
  7. Look at the trending topics. Those are topics everyone wants to read about.
  8. Think about your hobby. What can you write about relating to your hobby.
  9. Look at your favorite posts. This brings back memories.
  10. Write on another blog. Connect the two blogs together.
  11. Guest blog post. Write about anything you want and link it back to you.
  12. Avoid looking at your inbox. The inbox is a distraction.
  13. Build something. I build Legos.
  14. Create a Squidoo lens. Writing about something different always helps.
  15. Create a Keynote presentation. Put your content on slides.
  16. Read the news from a reliable news source. You might find something that you like.
  17. Meditate. Clear your mind.
  18. Write your goals in a notebook. Then act upon them.
  19. Work somewhere else. A new workplace will inspire new content.
  20. Take a nap. Short naps during our least productive hours are very beneficial.
  21. Look at Google images. You might find an image that could inspire your next post.
  22. Turn off the computer. Staring into a screen won’t do any good.
  23. Tweet on Twitter. The 140 character limit will prevent you from writing too much.
  24. Create a list just like this one. They help out, a lot.
  25. Keep on writing. Your business will become stronger.

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